Labiaplasty is a surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedure. It involves the removal of excess skin and tissue from the inner and/or outer vaginal lips (labia) in order to reduce discomfort and improve the appearance of the vaginal area without compromising the functional purpose or sexual sensation of the labia.
Who Is a Candidate for Labiaplasty?
Some women’s labia become enlarged as a result of being stretched during childbirth, while others have naturally enlarged labia even from a young age. Whatever the cause, excess labia tissue can be extremely uncomfortable and prevent women from wearing certain clothing or enjoying sexual intercourse.

How Is the Labiaplasty Procedure Performed?
During the labiplasty procedure, you’ll be under local anesthesia with sedation, and the surgery will take about 1-2 hours. Excess tissue of the inner labia, as well as the outer labia if necessary, will be removed, and the incisions will be closed with dissolvable stitches.
Labiaplasty recovery is usually 3-5 days, at which point most patients return to work. Sexual intimacy may be resumed within 6-8 weeks and most swelling should be resolved by this time. Icing the area helps to reduce swelling as well. Within three months, your recovery will be complete and within 6-12 months you will see your final labiaplasty results.
Contact New Horizons Plastic Surgery
If you’re ready to pursue vaginal rejuvenation or want to know more about it, schedule a consultation at (936) 564-3744 with Nacogdoches plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Wittpenn. Women from cities all over eastern Texas and western Louisiana, including Lufkin, Huntsville, Tyler and Shreveport, visit New Horizons Plastic Surgery for labiaplasty because Dr. Wittpenn delivers excellent results and patient care.